Organizing Stories

Organizing Stories

Dolores Rosas, Los Angeles ACCE Member

My corporate landlord tried to illegally raise my rent from $600 to $1,200. We looked everywhere and we found ACCE, they Guided us through the process so we could get a lawyer that fought for us in court and won our case. I’m extremely happy to be able to count with my community friends from ACCE because I never felt alone through this crisis. I’m here to keep fighting for the rights of everyone.

Los dueños de donde vivo son una gran corporación y trataron de subirme la renta de $600 a $1,200. Buscamos ayuda en todas partes y nos encontramos con ACCE. Nos guiaron en el proceso para poder encontrar un abogado que luchara por nosotros en la corte y que ganara nuestro caso. Estoy extremadamente contenta de contar con mis amigos de la comunidad de ACCE porque nunca me sentí sola en esta crisis. Ahora estoy aquí para seguir luchando por los derechos de todos.

Patricia Mendoza and Children, Imperial Beach

I live in the city of Imperial Beach, San Diego County. I lost my job due to covid 19 in the beginning of April, I have not been able to pay my rent since. My landlord has been harassing me since April to pay or leave. Now that I know my rights and thanks to the actions with ACCE me and my two kids are not on the streets for now.

Vivo en la ciudad de Imperial Beach, Condado de San Diego. Perdí mi empleo a causa del COVID-19 a comienzos de abril y desde entonces no he podido pagar la renta. El dueño de casa me ha estado hostigando desde abril para que pague o me vaya. Ahora que sé mis derechos y gracias a las acciones de ACCE, mi hijos y yo no estamos en la calle.

Kareem Flores, ACCE member, Sacramento

We were fired five months ago and my husband had to go to another state to find a job. Since we didn’t have money we weren’t able to pay the rent, so the manager gave us a three-day notice: if we didn’t pay we had to leave. I didn’t know that what she was doing was illegal. That’s when my neighbors, who are members of ACCE, came to help. They all got together and went to tell the manager that the law protected me. Since then things have changed. I now started working again, but if it weren’t for my neighbors I don’t know what would have happened.

Nosotros fuimos despedidos hace cinco meses y mi marido tuvo que viajar a otro estado para encontrar trabajo. Como no teníamos dinero no podíamos pagar la renta y la manager nos dio una nota de tres días: si no pagábamos nos teníamos que ir. Yo no sabía que lo que decía era ilegal. Ahí fue cuando mis vecinos, que eran miembros de ACCE, fueron en mi ayuda, se juntaron todos y fueron a decirle a la manager que la ley me protegía. Desde ahí todo cambió. Ahora ya empecé a trabajar, pero si no fuera por mis vecinos no sé qué hubiera pasado.

Ramon Toscano, Vista (San Diego County)

I have been living in my apartment for 5 years with my wife and 5 children. Since the Covid 19 pandemic began, I have not been able to work and have not been able to pay my rent. I currently owe over $ 3,000 in rent, and my apartment managers have been harassing me to pay my rent or move. Thanks to joining ACCE, I know my rights. Now, thanks to our fight, we have AB 3088 and I know I cannot be evicted. I am no longer afraid of being evicted and happy to be a part of ACCE. I am ready to keep fighting for more protections so that no one has to choose between food and rent, or be evicted.

He vivido en mi apartamento por cinco años con mi esposa y cinco hijos. Desde que comenzó la pandemia del COVID 19, no he podido trabajar y tampoco pagar la renta. En este momento debo $3,000 de renta, y el dueño del apartamento nos hostiga para que le paguemos o nos mudemos. Gracias a que nos unimos a ACCE conozco mis derechos. Ahora, gracias a nuestra lucha, tenemos AB 3088 y se que no puedo ser desalojado. Ya no tengo miedo de que nos desalojen y estoy feliz de ser parte de ACCE. Estoy listo para seguir luchando por mayores protecciones para que nadie tenga que elegir entre comida y renta o ser desalojado.

James Daniels, Contra Costa County

In 2018 USA Properties tried to increase the rent at Heritage Park by 12%. We joined ACCE and got organized to fight back. As a result we were able to get the rent increase reduced down to 3%.

En el 2018 USA Properties trató de aumentarnos la renta 12% en el complejo Heritage Park. Entonces nos unimos a ACCE y nos organizamos para contraatacar. Como resultado conseguimos que el aumento de la renta solo fuera del 3%

Tell us your organizing stories. Email [email protected].